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A Nomination Committee has been established for the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Redsense Medical AB.
The Nomination Committee, which has been appointed in accordance with the principles adopted by the Annual General Meeting on May 9, 2023, consists of:
Susanne Olauson, appointed by Seventh Sense Adventures Holding AB
Johannes Köpple, appointed by ShapeQ GmbH
Oscar Bergman, appointed by Swedbank Robur Fonder
Susanne Olauson is the convener of the Nomination Committee
The Nomination Committee’s task is to submit proposals to the Annual General Meeting regarding; Election of Chairman of the Meeting, number of Board members, election of Chairman of the Board and other members of the Board, fees to the Board of Directors and, where applicable, remuneration for committee work divided between each Board member, proposal for election of auditor and auditor’s fees and, to the extent deemed necessary, proposal for amendments to the current instruction for the Nomination Committee.