Dialysis setting
Redsense provides added protection needed for peace of mind and is used alongside existing safety precautions, such as secure taping of the needles, and tubing.
It is impossible for someone to monitor the venous needle site 24-7. But for the Redsense alarm, continuous monitoring is what it does, and it does it well. In any situation, if blood is detected at the venous needle site, Redsense alerts everyone around that their immediate attention is needed Anytime day or night, Redsense is monitoring, and always on the lookout for blood.
Home dialysis
There are many advantages to dialyzing at home but the two most important are the quality of life of the patient and economic savings. Home dialysis can allow a patient to integrate treatment in daily life, without the appointment and commute, and thus lead a more “normal” life. Treatments can be performed at a lower blood pressure, for shorter periods of time, and more frequently, which all has shown to be favorable for the patient. The cost is also lower for home dialysis, yet 97% of hemodialysis is carried out in clinic.
While home treatment may not be for everyone, learning to manage a hemodialysis machine in the bedroom can improve the quality of life for a vast number of patients. With Redsense you can send a patient home with your hand on your heart. For a patient who is physically able and alert, one of the biggest obstacles to home treatment is the fear associated with needles and self-canulation. And while the idea of inserting needles into veins and connecting your blood supply to a machine is worrying, the thought of becoming disconnected during sleep is enough to unsettle anybody. Because Redsense continuously monitors the access point, sounding the alarm at the first drop of blood, its use allows everyone to feel at ease.
Nocturnal dialysis
Nocturnal dialysis has special considerations. The patients are sleeping and moving around in their sleep. They are not alert, oriented, and aware of their blood access. The Redsense Alarm silently monitors the blood access and alarms in response to blood. In center, when the overhead lights are turned off to allow nocturnal patients to sleep, the staff can breathe easy knowing that Redsense is on duty, keeping an eye on the needle.
In Center (Acute & chronic/chronic self)
The Redsense Blood Loss Alarm provides an added layer of security for the patient and staff in busy clinics. It is a known fact that VNDs are unpredictable and may occur at any time; even with the best care. The unobtrusive unit lets personnel know that the patient’s venous needle is intact.
The alarm unit’s constant green monitoring light shines as a beacon that all is well, and it is conveniently mounted on the machine’s IV pole so it is easy to see. Using the Redsense Blood Loss Alarm increases the level of Patient Safety & Security.